The Sweetest Sound in the World


The sweetest music to anyone’s ears is their name.  As a school counselor, learning and using first  names is the secret to success..  Not only is memorization good for OUR aging brain, it also allows student connection to promptly begin.  Here are some tips that have helped me:
1. BE PRESENT - Focus on the child and their name.  Take time to look them in the eye, smile, and give them your full attention. Change your mindset to: “Remembering names is important, and I can do this." 
2. SAY - Say their name 3 times out loud.   “John, where are you from?  So nice to meet you, John.    Have a great day, John."
3. CONNECT  -  Connect their name to someone else you know.  
4. WRITE  - Write down new names in your planner or notebook. This simple acts improves recall.  
5. VISUALIZE - Review and visualize new names before falling asleep at night. Yes, this step is important and sounds a bit crazy, but your brain will store them for later use.   

For students new to your school, it is helpful to make a grade level “New to School” picture for your office.  Posting this picture with their names under it serves as a helpful reminder and makes new students feel special!

Now take this mastered skill and use it to memorize your custodial staff, cafeteria staff, neighbors, parents, district personnel, and others. You are more powerful than you will ever know.  Powerful You!  

Much Love,

Mrs. Frizzi

Is your lower back hurting? Are you feeling overwhelmed or feel fear racing through your body. Love yourself enough to slow down and join me in a 30 minute flow. You won’t regret it!