Move your Spine Like a SLINKY

Joseph Pilates said, “You are only as young as your spine is flexible.”  Knowing this, it is important for educators, parents, counselors, or anyone working with children to keep the spine moving in all directions like a slinky.  Extending, flexing, rotating, and bending the spine will maintain the flow of creative energy throughout your day. Combining these stretches with breathwork guarantees powerful benefits to the nervous system.  Children also enjoy practicing these movements with a colorful slinky to awaken the brain and relieve body tension before a test or stressful event. It is a win-win for everyone!

Before practicing the four SLINKY stretches, anchor your feet into the earth and press your bottom into a chair.  Sit tall as you stretch the back of your head toward the ceiling.   Notice how you're breathing.   Can you slow down the breath? Close your lips and take each breath deeper into the body. Engage your breathing muscle, the diaphragm, to stabilize the spine during the following stretches.   

Spinal Side Bending

Spinal Side Bending: Press both palms together in front of your heart to form a steeple.  As you inhale, lift the “steeple” above your head .  As you exhale, bend your body to the right.  Make sure your left hip is anchored in your chair.  On the inhalation, come back to the center and feel the full stretch in your spine and arms.  Bend to the right on the exhalation. Inhale back to the center and as you exhale, lower the “steeple” back to your heart. Continue this pattern and enjoy a gentle side stretch in your spine.  

Spinal Extension

Spinal Extension:  Press your sit bones into the chair and lift your clavicle bone toward the ceiling.  On the inhalation, roll your shoulders away from the ears, gaze up toward the ceiling, and feel a gentle backbend.

Spinal Flexion

Spinal Flexion:  On the exhale, roll your shoulders forward, tuck your chin towards your throat, and allow your spine to arch like a cat.  Continue this sequence of extending and flexing the spine with your breath.  

Spinal Rotation

Spinal Rotation:  Keeping your bottom firmly planted in the chair, bring your right hand to your left knee and your left hand behind you.  On the inhalation, lengthen your spine and feel the space between each of the twenty-four bones of the back.  As you exhale, using your abdominal muscles to turn your thoracic (upper) spine to the right.   Stay here for three breaths and feel the rotation and stretch of your backbone.  Repeat on the other side. 

Sit back in your chair and relax for a few moments.  Notice how you feel.  Can you mindfully recognize these four spinal movements as you flow through your day?  Use your flexible spine combined with deep breathing to invite creativity, energy, and peace into your life. You are worth it!

As a gift, join my A-Z Morning Yoga Challenge where you will find 26 12-minute morning yoga videos:  

Practice Spinal Movement with Mrs. Frizzi (5-Min)

Sign up for A-Z Morning Yoga Challenge

Julie Frizzi