WHY Powerful You?

Elementary counselors share their love for Powerful You - A resource book for counselors. www.powerfulyou.info

More Peace - Less Planning Time  

More Organization – Less Clutter

More Breathing – Less Stress

More Movement - Less Boredom

More Energy - Less Exhaustion

HOW to Use this Rhythmic, Relevant, & Repetitive Program?


1.   Breathe and stretch with the children.  This structure gets the wiggles out and provides a calm environment for learning (5 min). Each lesson comes with a free movement video made by Mrs. Frizzi.

2.   Read the relatable and true Powerful You story from the educator card or book.

3.   Stand tall and recite the positive self-talk. Invite students to say the phrase quietly in their head (5 min). This repetitive habit encourages a positive mindset.

4.   Give turn and talk time with each journaling question (10 min). 

5.   Display and review the classroom social skills sign (5 min). 

6. Add your own style and resources. Make this program your own! You are more powerful than you know! 

WHEN Do You Use Powerful You?

Share one 30-minute lesson each week . Review previously practiced self-talk during your visits. Kids benefit from memorizing these phrases to use during difficult times. Also great for groups!

WHO Uses Powerful You?


Powerful You is being used around the nation by school counselors, classroom teachers, speech therapist, administrators and families.


3 Reasons to Choose Powerful You

  1. A relationship builder that provides 26 proactive classrooms lessons to reduce discipline issues in the classroom in just 30 minutes per week.

  2. A social skills booster where kids interact with classmates.

  3. An grab and go program that takes the stress out of planning.

Helpful Educator Tips

Learn 4 ways to bring breathing into your classroom. www.powerfulyou.info