Trust Yourself with the 2023-24 Powerful You Yearly Calendar

I made a recent move to the beautiful and serene Florida Keys. This has been my husband’s dream for over forty years. My mind told me;

You will be lonely. You won’t find yoga there. You will get sick of the water.

I took the leap of faith knowing that fear tries to run my life. Instead, I decided to TRUST. Now, each morning and night I look at the sunrise and sunset to take a moment of gratitude. I feel peace.

As the new year approaches, I hope that you trust. Below is the Powerful You calendar that will help you have confidence that you are doing your best. When you feel flustered on the outside, do not get upset with yourself. You are only human, and the swirl of events going on all around you will feel overwhelming. Rather than scolding yourself for your humanness, trust yourself.

You are special. You are important. You are love.

Below is a 20-minute yoga video to empower strength and trust in yourself. It is part of a A-Z course I am building for teens. Enjoy lesson T - TRUST.

Julie Frizzi