Soothe your Nervous System


“Breathe with me!”

On spring break, I am filled with rest, relaxation, and peace.  But how do I keep this vibration when I return to work?  How do I remind myself to enjoy each moment and not regret over the past or worry about the future? How do I stay in the moment?  This takes much self-awareness and practice.   Instead of reaching for the coffee or diet coke, I can take 5 minutes at my desk to calm myself.  I can create energy in my body by soothing my sympathetic nervous system with deep slow breaths.  Breathe with me today and feel your body relax.  Fill yourself up with rich oxygen and positive thoughts.  

Other ways to “fill up” is to listen to positive podcasts or read inspiring books.  Here are just a few of my favorites when I need a boost:

The Gifts of Imperfection By Brene Brown

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life by Dr. Wayne Dyer

What books, podcasts, or websites inspire you?  Let us know below.  

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