Claim Your Foundation

Your Breathe & Stretch Life Tool

It is the American dream to own a home or lot of land. Did you know, however, that YOU have the power to claim your foundation?

To do this, anchor your feet into the ground and know that you have a solid base to build the life you want. Appreciate your stability and strength as you develop and grow.

When experiencing stress, feel the three points of contact that each foot makes with the Earth. For the moment, be where your feet are planted. Not in the past or the future, but the NOW. This zero-cost coping tool is forever yours to claim! Take a deep breath while appreciating the many bones and muscles in your feet and experience peace.

Chair Stretch

Gate Pose (Parighasana) - Anchor your feet to the ground as you stretch the sides of your body. Tone and stretch the intercostal muscles that are located between each rib.

  • Sit tall in your chair.  Sweep your right leg out to the right and press your right foot flat with your toes pointed forward.  

  • Press both feet into the earth and lift your torso and arms towards the ceiling.  Breathe in like you are expanding an accordion.  

  • On the exhale, laterally bend your body to the right with your right hand lightly resting on your leg. Stretch your left hand up and over your head. Take five restorative breaths while keeping both feet plugged into the earth.  Switch sides. 


30-Minute Chair Stretches

Take 30 minutes this week to stretch with me. This sequence will loosen up your spine and strengthen your quadriceps.


  1. What daily routines keep you grounded?

  2. Who are the people in your life that support you? How can you let them know?

  3. When unexpected turbulence occurs, what can you do to claim your foundation and be present?

Upcoming Events

April 2 @ 10:30 a.m.   POWERSPOT YOGA in Neptune Beach 

April 28th                    Lee County Counselors Workshop 

April 29.@ 12:00           PRACTICE YOGA  (NAPLES) WORKSHOP 

Design Your

2023-24 Back to School

Breathe and Stretch Teacher Training

with MRs. Frizzi

  • 30-minute self-care for educators

  • Morning breathing video designed and created for your school

  • Chair stretches for the classroom training

  • Breath work training

  • Classroom stress reduction visits

  • 90-minute Breathe and Stretch Life Tool Workshop for anxiety

  • Small group SEL lessons

  • Parenting workshop with book signing

  • Evening family yoga with Mrs. Frizzi

  • Stress reduction before testing

  • School goal setting

  • Counselor stress reduction training

  • You name what you want - I’ll make it happen

Julie Frizzi