Are You Playing it Safe?

I recently retired after 36 years in education and moved to an island in the Florida Keys. This decision was full of FEAR. My negative thoughts repeatedly told me of things that could go wrong.

“You will be alone. You won’t survive the heat. You won’t be able to get to your family.”

Instead of believing what my mind was telling me, I created new thoughts which fueled peace during my transition.

“I am safe. I am a good friend. I try new things.

Living in the Florida Keys has prompted me to try many new activities such as line dancing, ukulele lessons, and scuba diving. I am also inspired to create new life lessons for teachers and youth.

Join me in this thirty-minute movement class to improve YOUR mobility and strength.


How are you playing it safe? If you could do or be anything, what would that be? What is holding you back?


Just Released for Teens and Up

I am excited to announce the Powerful You Teen Digital Course that is currently on sale.

Self-Built Teens is an easy-to-use digital course for counselors, parents, or anyone working with youth. 

Each of the twenty-six life lessons includes a short story with reflective turn and talk prompts to open the line of communication.  Mindful chair stretches are included to give movement, release tension, and wake up learning. 

This organized toolkit is packed full of activities that create shifts and ignite momentum towards incredible possibilities.

Julie Frizzi