P- Problem Solving Pat


Problem Solving Pat is the sixteenth of the stories from Powerful You Primary. Pat helps children demonstrate ability to assume responsibility (ASCA Behavior - Self-Management Skill Standard 1). Pat also fosters a belief in using abilities to their fullest to achieve high-quality results and outcomes (ASCA Mindset 5).

Powerful You Primary (K-2) Directions:

  1. Practice Breathing and Stretching before every lesson. https://www.powerfulyou.info/breathe-and-stretch-book.

  2. Read one A-Z Powerful You themed story (26 social skills lessons).

  3. Teach the positive self talk: Say it 3 times out loud.  Then teach children to say it in their head.   Practice with confidence, “P- I am a problem solver.”

  4. Review and post the Classroom Social Skills Sign that compliments each lesson.

  5. Additional Activities: Use the practice/writing from the Powerful You book. 

  6. Role-Play: Allow the children to hold the Powerful You PRIMARY Educator Card and act out different scenarios.

  7. Review self-talk from previous lessons until children have memorized every Powerful You letter!  Use the Powerful You PRIMARY Educator cards like giant flash cards! A - I am attentive | B - I am brave…

  8. More resources below.

Julie Frizzi