The Pause Breath Life Tool

Today’s stress buster tip for youth is the pause breath. The benefits of finding the quiet spot at the top of your breath include:

  • Reduced feelings of stress and anxiety

  • Enhanced inner awareness

  • A distraction from negative thought loops

3 chair stretches combined with the pause breath.

To practice this breath, inhale through the nose to fill the body with oxygen.  Count a one second pause and recognize the silence.  Slowly empty the breath.  With practice, increase the length of the pause to 3 counts or more.

Classroom Chair Stretches Combined with the Pause Breath

Overhead Arm Stretch with Flexed Toes On the inhale and bring both arms over your head while flexing your toes.  PAUSE THE BREATH FOR 1 COUNT.  As you exhale, glide your arms to your sides with relaxed toes.  Repeat 3X while counting the pause.

Table Top to Child Pose  Place both hands on a chair and walk your feet back.  As you inhale, bring your shoulders forward over your wrists.  PAUSE THE BREATHE FOR 1 COUNT.  As you exhale, shift your hips back.  Lift the opposite leg and arm on the inhale for a balance challenge. Repeat 3X while counting the pause.

Warrior One with V Arms/Crossed Arms Step your right leg behind you with your toe pointed away.  Breathe in and bend your front knee while making a V shape with your arms above your head.  PAUSE THE BREATH FOR 1 COUNT.  As you exhale, cross your arms over your heart. Repeat 3X while counting the pause.

Practice these stretches on your own.  When you become comfortable, teach one of them before your Powerful You lesson.  With time and practice, you will become an expert of the pause breath.  Powerful You!   

A mat yoga video taken from the digital course Self-Built Teens

Powerful You Counselor Kit
Sale Price:$190.00 Original Price:$237.00
Julie Frizzi